
What is channel analysis?

All Chinese video platforms have distinct characteristics. In order to get a successful channel traffic growth and through AI channel analysis, we recommend a video platform that best suits the YouTube/TikTok content that is currently being uploaded in your channel.

For channel analysis, follow these steps : 1. Log in and go to [Channel] on the left 2. Click [Open Channel] under any of the available platforms * If you didn't proceed with channel analysis when creating an account, a pop-up window will appear when you click [Open Channel]. 3. Select YouTube or TikTok in the Channel Analysis pop-up window, enter your channel username and click [Platform recommendation] 4. After the channel analysis is done, check the recommended platform for you 5. You can check more information by clicking [Learn more] and change your YouTube or TikTok channel by clicking [Change Channel]

How do I apply for channel opening?

To apply for channel opening, follow these steps : 1. Log in and go to [Channel] on the left 2. Click [Open Channel] under any of the available platforms * If you didn't proceed with channel analysis yet, a pop-up window will appear when you click [Open Channel]. Proceed with the analysis to be able to open the channel. 3. Click on [I Agree] regarding the use of the Global Pass Information * You can only proceed with channel opening after the Global Pass verification is done. 4. Click [Confirm] at the bottom of the Channel Open Application page * It takes some time for the channel to be open after applying for it. * A video cannot be uploaded if the label [Opening in Progress] is displayed after applying for a channel. * You can upload a video if the label [Open Complete, Verification in Progress] is displayed. * If you want to open more channels and increase the number of uploads, you can do it after subscribing to a paid plan by clicking the email address at the top right corner > [My Plan].

I want to cancel the channel opening that I applied for.

If you would like to cancel the process of channel opening, please submit your inquiry and UID number by emailing us at ( * You can check your UID number in [Settings] > [User info]

Why is the channel application not working?

It takes some time for the channel to be open after applying for it. A label will be displayed next to the platform as [Opening in Progress] or [Opening Complete, Verification in Progress] * Due to the different policies of each platform, the channel can be opened only if the specific platform conditions for opening are met.

How do I modify platform basic information and channel name/channel description?

Currently, the feature to modify basic information and channel name/channel description is not supported. If you would like to modify it, please submit the channel name/channel description, new channel name/channel description and your UID number to the Customer Center Help Desk. * You can check your UID number in [Settings] > [User info]

Why is channel opening for some platforms(Haokan Video, Xigua Video, QQ) not working?

First of all, if your account is under the FREE plan and you have already opened one platform channel, you cannot open additional channels. You can open additional channels after subscribing to the BASIC/PRO plans.Additionally, as the policies for each platform are different, some platform channels can only be opened if the specific conditions for channel opening are met. * To know the channel opening conditions go to [Channel] > click [Open Channel] under any of the available platforms and check the application conditions in the pop-up window. If you have already subscribed to a paid plan and cannot open the channel even after meeting all the conditions for opening the channel, please submit your inquiry and UID information by emailing us at * You can check your UID number in [Settings] > [User info]

I subscribed for a paid plan, but I can't add aditional channels.

Due to the policies for each platform being different, channels can be opened only if the specific conditions for channel opening are met. * To know the channel opening conditions go to [Channel] > click [Open Channel] under any of the available platforms and check the application conditions in the pop-up window. If the channel application is not possible despite meeting all the application conditions, please submit your inquiry and UID information by emailing us at * You can check your UID number in [Settings] > [User info]

Last updated